
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hello? But Maybe Not For Long

Ya'll.  I am having some really depressing internet problems from home.  Possibly, I could post from this fancy-schmancy phone I have, but we should probably think on more realistic terms.

I have lots of things to say.  Lots of things about curriculum and feelings and school and feelings and eating and feelings.  I just have a lot of feelings.  And normally?  I don't talk about them, but I consider this my dumping ground (for most things).

Unfortunately, until the internet is working properly, I may be on a feeling hiatus.  Think of me.  Think of me fondly.


Armanda said...

:( I hope it all works out soon. I look forward to reading your posts each day!

CaseyRhea said...

I have faith in your mobile blogger capabilities! Also, someone over fifty said "you'll have that" to me today...out was not a redneck hunting dude, either. I thought of you as I corrected her in my mind. It is obviously far too difficult to say "that happens occasionally"